
Meet the team

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Sara Ramos

Founder & Host

Sara Ramos is passionate about learning and bringing people together to create impactful shared experiences. These passions, combined with her restlessness with the status quo, have led her to question what are the alternatives to the way we learn, work, live, and relate to others.

Sara has worked as a facilitator and learning experience designer with clients across different sectors, such as Google (Ireland), Unilever (UK), Catalyst and The National Lottery Community Fund COVID-19 Digital Response (UK), the Municipality of Porto (Portugal), Portuguese Women in Tech (Portugal), among many others.

Currently, her focus is on developing and growing Learning Day, a community of practice for lifelong learners.

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Carla Brites Santos


Carla has three true passions. Communication, People and Gastronomy. Her main focus is to challenge our potential as human beings. Whether she writes, teaches or designs and produces experiences, her purpose is always to show how special we are because we imagine and explore.

She owns Massa Mãe - a creative agency for Gastronomy and Communication -, teaches Communication and Storytelling at Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo do Porto (Hospitality and Tourism School), and she has worked with several Portuguese public institutions, designing and producing large scale events.

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